This is a nice refreshing dip and tastes great with warm baked pita crisps.
Ingredients:1 Cup thick Yogurt
1 No Cucumber
5-6 Nos Mint leaves
1 Clove Garlic
1 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 Tsp Coriander seeds
1 Tsp Cumin seeds
Salt & Pepper to taste.
Method:Place the yogurt in a muslin cloth on a sieve and place it in the refrigerator overnight.(this allows the water to drain from the yogurt)
Discard the excess water.
Toast coriander seeds and cumin and powder.
Wash the mint and place it in the food processor along with garlic, cucumber and pulse for a minute and add the salt, pepper,olive oil,yogurt and pulse again.
Remove the mixture and add the cucumber to it.
Place it in the fridge till you are ready to serve.
when ready to serve sprinkle the coriander and cumin powder.
Pitta:I used store-bought pitta bread and cut them into wedges.
To bake:Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
Brush the pitta bread with olive oil and sprinkle some salt.
Place the wedges on a cookie sheet in a single layer.
Bake for 9-12 minutes depending on the crispness you want.
Serve immediately.